Having a NAS is great, it allows you to do all number of things from backups and testing to remote access. While having a strong password is essential, it is also a good idea to secure your NAS with 2 factor authentication (2FA) if you are going to expose it to the internet. This is very simple on a Synology NAS, so follow along below to learn how to set this up.

Setting up Recovery Email

  1. Log into your Synology NAS, in the top right corner select the “Person” icon and select “Personal”
  2. Now before you setup 2FA you need to setup an email, in case you ever need to reset it. Select the “Email Account” tab, select add
  3. Select your account type, I am going to select Gmail (You can use outlook or custom however custom will require you to know the IMAP details), Enter your email address
  4. Select the “Authenticate” button, the process will be a little different if you use outlook but should be similar
  5. Select “Allow” so Synology can access your Google account, then select “Agree”
  6. You should then see “Authentication Successful!”

Setting up 2FA

  1. Now go to the “Account” tab and tick “Enable 2 step verification”
  2. Select “Next”
  3. Enter the email you would like to use if you need to reset your 2FA, select “Next”
  4. Now you will see a qrcode. On your mobile open an authenticator app. I recommend authy as it can backup your 2FA codes to another device. For this tutorial I will use Google Authenticator.
  5. Select add in your Authenticator app and scan the qrcode on the screen. 
  6. Once you have added the code to your Authenticator app, select “next” on the Synology and enter the code from your phone to verify it is correct
  7. You should see a success screen, the next time you log in you will be asked for this 6-digit code from your phone. Press “Close” and then “Okay” to save the settings.