This is a project I have been working on for my house. It makes a nice Photo Display with weather and the time. It can be easily customized to suit your needs. Below I will detail the project and how to set it up on a Raspberry Pi.

  1. First you will need to install Raspbian, the fastest way is to download the image from the raspberry pi site. Download the “Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop and recommended software”
  2. Once downloaded extract it with windows explorer and you will now have an .img file.
  3. Install Etcher. Open it and select your SD card and the .img from earlier.
  4. Select Flash and it will write the OS to your SD card. When done insert into your PI.
  5. Once the SD card is inserted into your Raspberry Pi you can turn it in and it will boot into Raspbian.
  6. Next we will need to install Apache, Open the terminal and run the following steps….
  7. Install – sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
  8. Install PHP – sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php -y
  9. Open the terminal (as you need elevated privileges to move files), and run the command – sudo pcmanfm
  10. Download my files (Link at bottom) and in the explorer windows from step 9 add to the /var/www/html folder. 
  11. Add your own images to the folder and the PHP file will automatically find them.
  12. Run the code to disable the screen from going off and disable the mouse cursor.
  13. sudo apt-get install -y chromium-browser ttf-mscorefonts-installer unclutter x11-xserver-utils
  14. Now run this line to bring up the auto start file
  15. sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
  16. In the text editor that pops up change the line @xscreensaver -no-splash to #@xscreensaver -no-splash
  17. Next add the following (Note: The dashes before each word are double dashes – -)
    @chromium-browser –kiosk –start-maximized –incognito http://localhost
    @xset s off
    @xset s noblank
    @xset -dpms
  18. Press CTRL + o then Enter to save the text editor. Press CTRL + X to exit the text editor.
  19. To change the name on the PHP page simply open it (index.php) with a text editor like atom, or simply double click on the file and it will open on the Pi. Change the name in the h1 tag and save it.
  20. To change the weather location, you can go to this site and put in your location. Press get code and copy the URL for the widget into the widget on the PHP page using a text editor.
  21. And that’s it you should now have a working information screen / sideshow. Feel free to edit the page however you like. Plug it into a nice monitor and enjoy. You could also share the web folder via samba and add photos via the network. How To: Raspberry Pi Shared Folder
  22. Also if you need to close the sideshow to work on the PI just press Ctrl + Shift + Q
  23. I have also made a second version of the webpage – you can check it out here Project: Raspberry Pi Information Screen Refined

File – PHP Webpage Files and Folder