After recently getting a new Synology NAS I discovered that the higher powered more business focused NAS’s have a package called “Central Management System”. This is a really neat little app that allows you to manage all of your Synology NAS’s from one central NAS. I have an offsite NAS for backup and am going to show you how I manage it remotely.

  1. Log onto the Synology NAS that you would like to be the central, management NAS.
  2. Go to package manager and install the “Central Management System”
  3. Once installed, open the app
  4. For this to work, your second remote NAS needs to be accessible via port 5001
  5. In the Central Management System, Select server from the left bar and click “Add”
  6. Select “Add Server”
  7. Select “Add single server according to IP Address”
  8. Enter your remote server connection details (IP or Domain, Port, Username, Password, and a description) and press apply.
  9. After a small wait, your server should be added the system. It may take a little while to sync all of the data.
  10. From here you can see everything about the remote NAS. Details, Shared folder, updates, drive status. You can even update it from the Central Manager, as I need to do here.
  11. You can even apply policies that allow you to adjust almost all of the settings of the remote NAS.